Burmese Pearl Quick Gyaan

Burmese Pearl 101 – Everything You Need to Know About Burma Pearls

The Allure of the Burmese Pearl: Unveiling a Gemstone Steeped in History and Mystery For centuries, Burmese pearls have captivated hearts with their iridescent glow and timeless elegance. Among these gems, the Burmese pearl holds a special place, prized for its exceptional quality, mesmerizing luster, and rich cultural significance. Today, we delve into the captivating […]

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Mars in 12th House

Mars in The12th House – Effects for 12 Zodiac Signs

Mars is the planet of action, energy, and drive. It is associated with our primal instincts and our capacity for aggression. The 12th house is the house of the subconscious, the hidden, and the unconscious. It is also associated with endings, isolation, and self-sacrifice. So, Mars in the 12th house cause high effects on natives. […]

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